PowerSlave Exhumed

by Nightdive Studios, Lobotomy Software, Throwback Entertainment

The Developer Says...

PowerSlave Exhumed is a KEX Engine port of the classic console game perfectly blending both the PlayStation & Saturn versions

Players Like...

❤ Metroidvania Gameplay

The game features a nonlinear, interconnected level design that challenges players to acquire new abilities and upgrades to access previously inaccessible areas. As players progress, they can freely backtrack to earlier levels to explore new paths and discover secrets. This "proto-Metroidvania" design allows for a sense of exploration and progression that sets the game apart from more linear first-person shooters.

❤ Exploration and Backtracking

The levels are complex, multi-tiered environments that encourage thorough exploration. Players will frequently need to revisit previous areas after acquiring new abilities like underwater breathing, wall-climbing, and levitation. While some may find the backtracking tedious, the level design remains fresh and interesting even when revisiting familiar areas.

❤ Combat and Weapons

The game features a diverse arsenal of weapons, including conventional firearms like pistols and machine guns, as well as more fantastical tools like a flamethrower and a magical cobra staff. Reviewers noted that each weapon has its own unique uses and strengths, requiring players to strategically switch between them to handle different enemy types and environmental challenges. The combat is described as fast-paced and challenging, with enemies that often attack in unexpected ways, forcing players to rely on strafing and environmental awareness rather than simply circling-strafing. The game's impressive enemy variety and placement prevent the combat from growing stale.

❤ Platforming

In addition to combat, the game features a significant amount of platforming, which reviewers generally praised as being well-executed and integrated into the Metroidvania structure. As players acquire new movement abilities, the platforming becomes more complex and rewarding to master. However, some reviewers noted issues with the protagonist's large hitbox, which can make certain platforming sections frustratingly difficult.

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