Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly

by Toge Productions

The Developer Says...

Dust off your coffee machine and prepare your warmest smile to meet your customers again in the second episode of the much loved coffee brewing and heart-to-heart talking simulator; Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly.

Players Like...

❤ Crafting the Perfect Brew

As the barista, players take on the role of mixing a variety of ingredients to craft the ideal beverage for each fantastical customer. The game features an expanded selection of drink options compared to the first entry, including new tea varieties like the "Dreamin' Blue" and "Sweetheart Latte." To serve these customers, players must pay close attention to the detailed descriptions provided and carefully select the right combination of ingredients. Correctly guessing a customer's order not only satisfies them, but can also unlock new story branches and character developments. However, failing to get the drink right causes the customer to become dissatisfied and may even stop visiting the cafe altogether. This risk-and-reward system encourages players to experiment and hone their barista skills.

❤ Deepening Connections Through Dialogue

Beyond the drink brewing mechanics, the game's narrative-driven gameplay allows players to engage in conversations with a diverse cast of fantasy-inspired characters. A new interactive element introduced in this sequel is the ability to provide customers with various items, such as belongings they may have forgotten during previous visits. Giving the right item to the right character can open up new dialogue options and story paths, adding an additional layer of player agency to the experience. The game also features social media-like updates from characters, providing deeper insights into their lives and relationships outside of the cafe setting. These supplementary story details help to flesh out the urban fantasy world.

❤ Uncovering the Full Story

The game encourages multiple playthroughs to fully experience the narrative, as certain story branches and character endings are locked behind specific choices made by the player. Additionally, the game features a set of in-game achievements that challenge players to experiment with different approaches, including intentionally failing to provide customers with the drinks they request. While the latter type of achievement may be seen as discordant with the game's generally relaxing and empathetic tone, they do add an extra layer of complexity for completionist players seeking to uncover all of the narrative secrets.

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