
by small bros, Retrovibe

The Developer Says...

Intense 2D action-platformer set in a mining colony infected by an alien plague. In B.I.O.T.A. you can choose your hero, fight gruesome monsters, and customize your 8-bit retro experience with swappable 4-color palettes.

Players Like...

❤ Responsive and Precise Controls

Players frequently praise the game's tight, responsive controls that enable precise platforming and shooting. Reviewers highlight the game's smooth movement, including fluid running, jumping, and wall-jumping, as a key strength that makes the gameplay feel satisfying and engaging. One player describes the controls as "crunchy" and "butter smooth for a retro game", providing an excellent foundation for the intense action.

❤ Diverse Playable Roster

The ability to choose from 8 unique playable characters is a standout feature of the gameplay. Each character wields distinct weapons and possesses special abilities, allowing players to experiment and find the playstyle that suits them best. Whether players prefer a long-range sniper, a close-quarters shotgun wielder, or a defensive specialist, the varied character options add depth and encourage replayability.

❤ Rewarding Metroidvania Exploration

While the game is primarily an action-platformer, it incorporates Metroidvania elements that foster exploration and backtracking. Reviewers praise the interconnected, well-designed map, which is packed with secrets and upgrades to uncover. The satisfaction of revisiting areas with new abilities or equipment to access previously inaccessible locations adds a strong sense of progression and discovery to the gameplay.

❤ Engaging Gameplay Variety

In addition to the core platforming and shooting, the game mixes things up with a variety of gameplay segments. Players can take control of a submarine, pilot a powerful mech, and engage in shoot 'em up sequences while chasing down starships. These diversions are widely described as fun and well-executed, preventing the experience from feeling monotonous and keeping the gameplay feeling fresh.

❤ Thoughtful, Challenging Encounters

Reviewers highlight the game's excellent enemy design as a particular strength. The diverse array of unique, visually distinct foes each possess their own attack patterns and behaviors, encouraging players to engage in strategic, thoughtful combat rather than simple button-mashing. Combined with the responsive controls, these satisfying and challenging combat encounters are a highlight of the gameplay experience.

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