Lies of P


The Developer Says...

Lies of P is a thrilling soulslike that takes the story of Pinocchio, turns it on its head, and sets it against the darkly elegant backdrop of the Belle Epoque era.

Players Like...

❤ Refined Parry and Dodge Mechanics

The combat system heavily draws from the "Souls" genre, with a focus on deliberate, challenging battles that require players to master various techniques. At the core is a refined parry/block system reminiscent of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Players can hold down the block button to perform a regular block that drains stamina, or time their blocks perfectly to execute a "Perfect Guard" that negates all damage and stuns the enemy, opening them up for counterattacks. Dodging and evading attacks is also crucial, with players able to perform quick, Bloodborne-esque dashes to avoid enemy strikes. Properly timing these dodges is key, as the i-frames are more limited compared to traditional Souls games.

❤ Flexible Weapon Crafting

One of the standout features is the deep, flexible weapon crafting system. Each weapon is composed of two parts - a Blade and a Handle. Players can freely swap these components, mixing and matching different Blades and Handles to create their own unique combat styles. For example, one could equip a heavy, slow-hitting Blade with a faster, more agile Handle to create a weapon that has the power of a greataxe but the mobility of a rapier. Or they could pair an explosive Blade with a blunt Handle to make a one-of-a-kind "grenade mace." This system allows for a huge amount of player expression and customization.

❤ Challenging Enemy and Boss Encounters

The game features a diverse array of enemy types, each with their own patterns, attacks, and weaknesses that players must learn to overcome. From mechanical clockwork soldiers to monstrous, twisted abominations, the enemies present a constant challenge that pushes the player's skills. The boss battles, in particular, are highlights of the gameplay experience. Each boss is a complex, multi-phase encounter that requires mastery of the combat system. Bosses have devastating, telegraphed attacks that must be perfectly timed to parry or dodge, interspersed with opportunities to land damaging counterattacks.

❤ Adaptive Difficulty and Progression

The game's difficulty is structured to allow players to continuously improve and overcome challenges. While undoubtedly challenging, especially for newcomers to the genre, the gameplay is designed to be fair and responsive to the player's skill level. As players progress, they can unlock new weapons, skills, and abilities that provide more options for tackling enemies and bosses. The game also features a "Ruin" system, where defeating enemies and bosses causes the world to become more corrupted and dangerous, introducing new enemy types and altering the environment. This adaptive difficulty ensures that the experience remains engaging and freshly challenging throughout the playthrough.

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