by Petit Depotto, PLAYISM

The Developer Says...

The Gnosia lie. Pretending to be human, they’ll get in close, trick and deceive, and then eliminate one victim at a time...

Players Like...

❤ The Premise and Core Gameplay Loop

You find yourself trapped aboard a drifting spaceship, alongside a diverse crew of characters. Some of these crewmates are secretly "Gnosia" - an alien threat that you must identify and eliminate. The core gameplay loop involves a series of daily cycles, where you and the crew engage in group discussions to determine who among you is a Gnosia. After the discussions, the crew votes to put a suspected Gnosia into "cold sleep". Meanwhile, the Gnosia are able to eliminate crew members at night. This back-and-forth continues until either the humans eliminate all the Gnosia, or the Gnosia gain the upper hand.

❤ Leveling and Character Progression

As you progress through the repeated loops, you can level up various stats for your protagonist, such as Charm, Intuition, and Logic. These stats influence how the other characters perceive your statements and actions during the discussions. Additionally, as you build relationships with the other crew members, you can unlock new abilities and conversation options that provide strategic advantages in the debates. This creates a rewarding sense of progression, where you become increasingly adept at manipulating the discussions to your advantage.

❤ Dynamic Events and Randomization

While the core loop of discussions and voting remains consistent, the game introduces randomized events and variable crew compositions to keep each playthrough feeling fresh. Certain events may trigger based on the current loop's circumstances, unlocking new story elements or altering the dynamics between characters. Moreover, the roles assigned to each crew member are randomized from loop to loop, meaning you cannot rely on a fixed set of allies or adversaries. This encourages you to adapt your strategies and relationships to the ever-changing conditions, adding an element of unpredictability to the social deduction gameplay.

❤ Player Agency and Narrative Impact

What sets this experience apart is the degree to which your choices and actions during the discussions can impact the unfolding narrative. While the game has an overarching mystery to uncover, your ability to sway the outcomes of each loop, manipulate the relationships between characters, and make critical decisions can lead to a variety of narrative branching points and endings. This sense of player agency, combined with the satisfying loop of progression and character development, is the primary appeal of the gameplay. It transforms a seemingly straightforward social deduction premise into a richly engaging experience where your skills and decision-making directly shape the story.

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