Feed All Monsters

by DU&I

The Developer Says...

Feed All Monsters is a cute and cozy Line Puzzle game. Assist a team of delivery workers in their quest to bring tasty food to all the little monsters. Find the optimal path for each worker in order to get all the monsters fed.

Players Like...

❤ Guiding Delivery Workers to Feed Hungry Monsters

In this line puzzle game, players guide a team of delivery workers on a quest to bring tasty food to all the hungry monsters. The game starts by introducing the core mechanics, allowing players to control multiple workers with varying movement abilities and food delivery capacities. As players progress through the 200 levels, the game gradually introduces new gameplay elements, such as environmental hazards that can hinder the workers' paths.

❤ Balancing Challenge and Accessibility

Many reviewers praised the game's well-designed difficulty curve, noting that the early puzzles are relatively straightforward, but they gradually become more complex and demanding. However, the game's generous undo system and limited hint system ensure that the challenge never feels overwhelming. Players can experiment freely and learn from their mistakes, fostering a relaxing and enjoyable puzzle-solving experience. Reviewers also highlighted the flexibility in solving the puzzles, as there can sometimes be multiple viable solutions for a single level, catering to different playstyles and problem-solving approaches.

❤ Charming Presentation and Accessibility Features

The game's charming, hand-drawn art style and upbeat music create a cozy, inviting atmosphere that perfectly complements the puzzle gameplay. Several reviewers also praised the game's accessibility features, such as the ability to skip cutscenes and adjust the window size, making it easy to play in various settings.

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