
by Tomato Fantasy Games, 101XP

The Developer Says...

An ironic adventure with cyberpunk aesthetics set in a world where humans have been replaced by dinosaurs. Become a top-notch repair shop mechanic: fix gadgets, have heart-to-heart talks, and offer drinks to your customers — everything to fulfill your ultimate dream.

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Overview

As the player, you take on the role of Chris, a T-Rex running a repair shop in a cyberpunk world inhabited by dinosaurs. The core gameplay loop involves customers bringing broken gadgets to your shop, which you must repair through a series of interactive minigames.

❤ Repair Minigames

One minigame has you carefully cutting out circuit board patterns by tracing lines on the screen. Another has you selecting the appropriate replacement parts from a list to fix the device. These timed, graded repair minigames test your dexterity and problem-solving skills, with higher scores earning bigger tips from satisfied customers.

❤ Conversation and Relationship Building

While the repair minigames are a core part of the gameplay, a significant portion involves interacting with the shop's colorful cast of dinosaur customers. Players must carefully choose dialogue options to build rapport with each character, learning about their lives and troubles.

❤ Atmospheric Presentation

Underpinning the gameplay is the game's striking cyberpunk aesthetic and lo-fi synthwave soundtrack. The pixel art visuals evoke a retro-futuristic vibe that perfectly complements the dinosaur-inhabited setting.

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