Captain of Industry

by MaFi Games

The Developer Says...

Land your crew of survivors on an abandoned island and survive! Mine raw materials, grow food, build factories, manufacture products, research new tech, and trade with others. Become an industrial superpower! But this is no easy task, you will be put to the test to keep your settlement alive.

Players Like...

❤ Navigating Intricate Production Chains

Players must meticulously manage the extraction, refining, and production of over 150 unique raw materials and manufactured goods. Unlike simpler factory games, this experience requires navigating intricate multi-stage processes. For example, producing concrete involves mining limestone, crushing it, mixing it with sand and water, and then curing the resulting mixture. This level of detail extends to most products, forcing players to carefully plan and optimize their factories.

❤ Dynamic Terrain and Hands-On Mining

The game features a dynamic terrain system that challenges players to actively mine and excavate resources from the environment. Using specialized equipment like excavators and dump trucks, players can reshape the landscape, creating open-pit mines, building infrastructure, and even dumping excess materials into the ocean to create new land. This mining-focused gameplay loop is a core part of the experience, as players must carefully manage their dwindling local resources and find new ways to source required materials.

❤ Logistical Challenges and Limitations

Transporting goods and managing logistics is a major challenge. Players must build a fleet of trucks, conveyors, and pipelines to move resources and products around their factory network. However, these logistics systems have limitations - trucks require fuel, conveyors have throughput caps, and pipes can only handle certain volumes. Maintaining a balanced and efficient logistics network is crucial to avoiding production bottlenecks and supply chain failures.

❤ Resource Management and Byproduct Handling

Many production processes generate unwanted waste or byproducts that players must deal with, either by finding uses for them in other production chains or by disposing of them responsibly. Failing to properly manage these byproducts can lead to disastrous consequences like environmental pollution, equipment breakdowns, or even complete production shutdowns.

❤ Emergent Gameplay and Recovery from "Death Spirals"

The complexity and interconnectedness of the game's systems can lead to emergent gameplay challenges. Small issues or imbalances in production or logistics can rapidly cascade into full-blown "death spirals" where the whole factory grinds to a halt. Recovering from these situations can be an enormously satisfying experience, as players must constantly monitor their operations and make tough decisions to keep their industrial empire running.

❤ Customization and Optimization

Despite the high level of complexity, the game provides players with a wealth of tools and options to customize and optimize their factories. Extensive blueprinting, automation, and configuration options allow for the creation of highly efficient and compact production facilities. Mastering these systems and finding optimal solutions to the game's challenges is a key part of the gameplay loop.

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