SpellForce: Conquest of Eo

by Owned by Gravity, THQ Nordic

The Developer Says...

On a journey to great magical might, explore and control the lands of Eo in this ever-changing turn-based strategy role-playing game. Field armies and heroes in tactical combat, finish hundreds of quests, and gather spells and artefacts to become the most powerful mage of all. 

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❤ Exploration and Resource Management

You control a mobile wizard's tower, which you must manage and relocate as you explore the realm. Unlike traditional 4X games, you do not conquer and control multiple cities. Instead, you focus on expanding the power and capabilities of your singular tower, which serves as your base of operations. The tower's mobility allows you to freely traverse the world, seeking out new resources, quest locations, and rival mages to contend with. A key aspect is the finite nature of the resources around your tower. As these resources deplete, you must move the tower to new locations, driving constant exploration and a sense of urgency. This mechanic encourages you to carefully plan your expansion and manage your resources, rather than simply conquering territory.

❤ Asymmetric Mage Classes and Customization

You can select from three distinct mage archetypes - Necromancer, Alchemist, or Artificer - each with unique abilities, spells, and crafting mechanics. This asymmetric design adds significant variety and replayability, as each class offers a fundamentally different playstyle and approach to progression. Beyond the initial class selection, you can further customize your mage through the selection of different magical schools, the acquisition of spells, and the equipping of powerful artifacts and grimoires. This deep, RPG-like progression system allows you to create a mage tailored to your preferred playstyle.

❤ Tactical Turn-Based Combat

The turn-based combat system draws inspiration from the Age of Wonders series. You must carefully manage your armies of minions, summoned creatures, and hero units, leveraging their unique abilities and equipment to overcome your opponents. The action point system adds an additional layer of tactical depth, as you must balance offensive actions with defensive maneuvers. The combat is further enriched by the variety of unit types, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Building a well-rounded army that can counter the enemy's composition is crucial to success. Additionally, the ability to craft powerful glyphs and items to equip on units provides another avenue for customization and strategic decision-making.

❤ Questing and Narrative

While the game features a 4X-style open world, it also places a strong emphasis on narrative and questing. You are tasked with unraveling the mysteries of your deceased master's legacy, following a main storyline that is complemented by a wealth of side quests and character-driven adventures. These quests often present you with meaningful choices that can impact the world and your relationships with various factions. The text-based approach to many quests and events, combined with the rich lore of the Spellforce universe, helps to immerse you in the world and invest you in the ongoing narrative. This blend of exploration, resource management, and story-driven progression sets the game apart from more traditional 4X experiences.

❤ Replayability and Customization

While the game features a single, fixed map, its replayability is bolstered by the variety of starting locations, rival mage factions, and the unique playstyles offered by the different mage classes. The procedurally generated quests and events also ensure that each playthrough feels fresh and distinct. Furthermore, the ability to create custom mages, experiment with different magic schools, and tailor the progression of both your character and your army, provides a high degree of customization and incentive to explore multiple playthroughs.

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