The Developer Says...

Get ready for a thrilling underwater adventure with classic point-and-click gameplay. Explore with three characters simultaneously. Featuring atmospheric isometric graphics, rendered video, and a soundtrack by Mark Morgan, BONE TOTEM takes you on a journey to hidden places deep below the waves...

Players Like...

❤ Multifaceted Protagonist Switching

Players can control three distinct protagonists - Mac, Charlie, and the robotic bear Moses. Each character boasts unique abilities that become essential for progressing through the game. Switching between the characters, leveraging their individual skills, is a key part of solving puzzles and overcoming obstacles.

❤ Seamless Shared Inventory

The game features a shared inventory system, allowing players to access and utilize items across all three protagonists. This eliminates the need for tedious backtracking, making the puzzle-solving process more streamlined and efficient.

❤ Intuitive Puzzle Design

The game's puzzles challenge players to think critically and apply their understanding of the game's systems. Reviewers describe the puzzles as logically sound, with the necessary clues and information provided within the environments and dialogues.

❤ Streamlined Interaction Highlighting

The "ping" system highlights all important interactive elements in the isometric environments, preventing the frustration of "pixel hunting" that can plague point-and-click adventures. This allows players to focus on the narrative and puzzle-solving.

❤ Atmospheric Environments

The game's isometric environments are meticulously crafted, with a strong emphasis on creating a sense of tension and dread through the atmospheric underwater setting. The attention to detail helps to deeply immerse players in the game's unsettling world.

❤ Environmental Storytelling

The game's environments convey a significant amount of narrative context and lore, encouraging players to closely examine the backgrounds and interactive elements. This environmental storytelling further enhances the immersive experience.

❤ Accessible Design

The game includes accessibility features, such as the "ping" system, that streamline the exploration and puzzle-solving experience, making the game more approachable for a wider range of players.

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