
by Blast Programming, GIGATANK 3000

The Developer Says...

Wyvia is an open world 3D action RPG inspired by classic JRPGs. Save your world from a monstrous invasion. Choose from 10 classes customizing them with a robust cross-class skill system, craft and upgrade tons of weapons, explore dungeons battling a variety of enemies, and defeat terrifying bosses!

Players Like...

❤ Engaging Combat System

The game features a fun and simple, yet satisfying combat system. Players can unleash a variety of hack-and-slash attacks, as well as screen-clearing abilities, to defeat hordes of enemies. Reviewers have described the real-time action combat as feeling "good to utilize."

❤ Robust Class System and Customization

The game offers 10 distinct character classes for players to choose from. What makes the class system particularly engaging is the ability to mix and match skills between classes. As players level up individual skills, they become usable by any class, allowing for a high degree of customization and build variety. Players can allocate points into different stats and skills to create a character tailored to their preferred playstyle. Reviewers have praised the depth of the class and build customization, noting that it enables experimentation and the creation of a truly unique approach.

❤ Addictive Progression and Loot Grind

Defeating enemies and exploring the world rewards players with a constant stream of loot and experience gains, fueling a compulsive drive to keep playing and getting stronger. Reviewers have described the process of leveling up, allocating skill points, and acquiring more powerful gear and abilities as highly rewarding. The game's simple but effective mechanics make this grind feel consistently entertaining, even as players become increasingly overpowered.

❤ Dynamic Exploration and Traversal

The game's world offers a variety of diverse environments, from plains and caves to forests and icy wastes, which players can freely explore. The ability to transform into a Wyvern provides an engaging traversal mechanic, allowing players to access new areas and gain additional combat abilities. Many reviewers have highlighted the joy of experimenting with different movement and traversal options, such as upgrading the dash ability to become a near-teleportation skill. The sense of freedom and flexibility in how players navigate the world is a key part of the game's appeal.

❤ Emergent Gameplay and Breakability

A common theme in reviews is the game's tendency to allow players to become extremely overpowered, often in unintended ways. Reviewers describe finding "broken" builds or mechanics that trivialize the challenge, such as a powerful dash skill or a spammable magic ability. While this can lead to a lack of difficulty later in the game, many players embrace and celebrate this emergent gameplay, enjoying the feeling of becoming an unstoppable force that can wreak havoc across the world. The ability to create these overpowered builds is seen as a feature that adds to the game's replayability and sense of player agency.

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