Circadian Dice

by Shuffle Up Games

The Developer Says...

Circadian Dice is a game inspired by single-player deck-building games, but instead of upgrading a deck, you build up a set of dice! Use 10 different heroes and 60 game-warping relics to take on 13 hand-crafted scenarios, in runs that take 10-30 minutes. Lots of secrets and unlocks to discover!

Players Like...

❤ Building a Customized Dice Arsenal

At the core of the gameplay, players start with a basic set of dice and gradually upgrade the faces on those dice, unlocking new abilities and effects. This allows you to tailor your dice to your preferred playstyle and the demands of each scenario. For example, you can create dice focused on generating wealth, empowering your attacks, or manipulating the battlefield through magical effects.

❤ Flexible Hero Progression

As you progress through the game's scenarios, you'll unlock new heroes, relics, and dice upgrades. Importantly, these new mechanics are not restricted to specific heroes - you can mix and match abilities, relics, and dice upgrades across all your unlocked heroes. This provides a high degree of flexibility, as you can constantly experiment with new build combinations to discover powerful synergies.

❤ Diverse, Challenging Scenarios

The game features 13 hand-crafted scenarios, each with unique enemy compositions and environmental challenges. For instance, one scenario might task you with defeating a boss surrounded by shielded enemies, requiring you to adjust your dice build to overcome the shield mechanic. These varied scenarios demand that you adapt your strategy and dice composition, rather than relying on a single optimal build.

❤ Quick, Replayable Runs

Each scenario takes between 10-30 minutes to complete, encouraging repeated playthroughs. The randomized nature of dice rolls and scenario modifiers ensures that no two runs feel exactly the same, further driving the game's replayability. You can quickly try out new builds and strategies, learning from your mistakes to improve your performance.

❤ Satisfying Combo Potential

By carefully customizing your dice and unlocking new abilities, you can discover powerful synergistic combos. For example, you might find a way to generate massive amounts of wealth on a single turn, then leverage that wealth to unleash devastating attacks. The game's mechanics provide ample opportunity for you to experiment and optimize your builds.

❤ Balanced Challenge

While the game does feature a significant amount of randomness due to the dice-rolling mechanics, the difficulty curve remains well-balanced. Through careful planning and strategic decision-making, you can overcome bad luck and progress steadily, leading to a satisfying sense of mastery over time.

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