The Developer Says...

A new EDF adventure begins! Only this time, the action unfolds in a parallel world where the Earth is made of digital blocks. This world has befallen into chaos, as the once peaceful square Earth has been shattered into pieces. Shape aside, it is an Earth nonetheless which needs to be defended.

Players Like...

❤ Character-Swapping Mechanic

The character-swapping mechanic is the centerpiece of the gameplay. Players can freely swap between a team of four unique characters during missions, each with their own special abilities and weapon loadouts. For example, the Ranger's powerful assault rifle complements the Wing Diver's aerial mobility and the Fencer's heavy firepower. Utilizing the strengths of each character and adapting your tactics on the fly is key to success.

❤ Diverse Playable Characters

The vast roster of playable characters spans the entire EDF franchise, from classic soldiers like the Ranger to newcomers like the Argentine "Amigo Brother" who fights with molotov cocktails and a mariachi ultimate ability. Rescuing and leveling up these diverse characters becomes a core part of the gameplay loop, as higher-level versions of each character gain access to an expanded arsenal of weapons.

❤ Streamlined Progression

Unlike previous EDF titles where players would grind for better gear, progression in World Brothers is more directly tied to the characters themselves. Defeating enemies allows you to "rescue" new characters, each of whom comes equipped with their own unique weapon. This streamlines the process, reducing the tedious grinding for incremental gear upgrades.

❤ Destructible Environments

The voxel-based destructible environments add an extra layer of strategy, as players must navigate the constantly shifting battlefield. Blowing up buildings, streets, and other objects creates new paths and sightlines, forcing players to adapt their tactics on the fly.

❤ Cooperative Multiplayer

World Brothers also features cooperative multiplayer for up to four players. Coordinating your character swaps and special abilities with friends leads to a chaotic and satisfying EDF experience, especially given the more bite-sized mission lengths that are well-suited for quick co-op sessions.

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