Join Viola in this light-hearted yuri fantasy story set in the magical realm of Asaph, as she tackles her biggest challenge yet: working at a maid café.
The game allows players to assume the role of Viola as she and her companions operate a maid cafe in the magical realm of Asaph. The gameplay primarily involves interacting with the various characters, making choices that affect the narrative, and completing tasks related to running the cafe.
Players will take on a variety of maid duties, such as serving customers, cleaning, and entertaining guests. This simulation aspect challenges players to manage their time, resources, and interactions with the cafe's patrons effectively. The gameplay requires players to balance the different responsibilities and maintain the cafe's operations.
The game features a branching narrative with multiple paths and endings. Players' choices during conversations and events can influence the story's direction and the relationships between the main characters, including Viola, Neve, Fion, and Eleri. This level of player agency allows them to shape Viola's journey according to their preferences.
Players can choose to focus on developing specific relationships with the other characters. Catering to players' preferences regarding the harem-style relationships unlocks additional story content and romantic events, providing a personalized experience.
An optional uncensored patch is available, offering players more explicit scenes and imagery for a more adult-oriented visual novel experience.
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