The Mageseeker: A League of Legends Story™

by Digital Sun, Riot Forge

The Developer Says...

From Digital Sun, creators of Moonlighter, The Mageseeker is an action RPG in the League of Legends universe. Play as Sylas, a mage now freed from years in captivity. Wield the chains that once bound you and liberate Demacia from the Mageseekers' tyranny.

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❤ Gameplay Overview

The game casts players as Sylas, a mage who has recently broken free from captivity by the oppressive Mageseekers in the kingdom of Demacia. The core gameplay involves fast-paced, hack-and-slash combat with a unique spell-stealing mechanic.

❤ Spell-Stealing Mechanics

The standout feature allows players to chain certain enemy mages and copy their unique spells, adding them to Sylas' own arsenal. This adds a strategic element, as players must decide which spells to steal and when to use them most effectively against different enemy types.

❤ Customizable Spell Loadouts

Players can equip Sylas with up to four spells at a time, ranging from powerful area-of-effect attacks to utility abilities like invisibility. This allows experimentation with different spell combinations to find the playstyle that works best.

❤ Mobility and Combos

Combat emphasizes mobility and chained attacks. Sylas can dash and grapple around the battlefield to avoid enemy strikes and position himself for devastating combos. Mastering the timing and execution of these mobility options is crucial for success, especially against tougher foes.

❤ Enemy and Boss Variety

The game features a diverse array of enemy types, each with unique attack patterns and vulnerabilities. This encourages players to adapt their spell-stealing and combat strategies on the fly. The boss fights, in particular, present formidable challenges that require players to make full use of Sylas' abilities.

❤ Progression and Upgrades

As Sylas recruits more mages to the rebellion, players can unlock upgrades for their base of operations. These upgrades enhance various aspects of Sylas' abilities, such as increased health, damage, and mana regeneration, helping to empower the protagonist over the course of the game.

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