Instruments of Destruction

by Radiangames

The Developer Says...

Break thru walls, tear down buildings, and send structures crashing into each other in Instruments of Destruction, a vehicle-action game featuring advanced physics-based destruction. Pilot a variety of vehicles across dozens of missions and high score challenges in this highly-interactive world.

Players Like...

❤ Destruction Physics and Aesthetics

Players consistently praise the game's outstanding physics-based destruction system. Reviewers describe how buildings crumble and collapse in a "satisfying" and "visceral" way, with dust clouds, smoke, and debris flying everywhere. The audio-visual effects complement the destruction, creating a "physical, visceral world to play with."

❤ Vehicle Building and Customization

A major focus of the gameplay is the extensive vehicle building and customization. The in-depth editor allows players to construct a wide variety of creative machines, from flying bulldozers to grappling hook-equipped ornithopters to multi-story vehicles with spinning saws and wrecking balls. Reviewers highlight the depth of the building system, noting a learning curve to properly tune the parts and physics, but call the process "easy yet deep."

❤ Destructive Sandbox Gameplay

The core loop involves piloting these custom-built vehicles to demolish environments in a sandbox-style setting. Reviewers emphasize how "satisfying" and "fun" it is to drive their creations into buildings and structures, watching them collapse and explode. Many compare the experience to nostalgic memories of playing with toy trucks and wrecking things as a child, describing the pure, cathartic release of unrestrained destruction.

❤ Levels and Challenges

Alongside the sandbox mode, the game features progression-based levels and challenges. These missions ask players to complete objectives like reaching a target, collecting items, or destroying a certain percentage of the environment. Reviewers note the levels "incentivize well-rounded vehicles" and sometimes restrict the parts or force the use of specific designs, adding an additional layer of strategy and challenge.

❤ Replayability and Customization

Reviewers highlight the game's high replayability, praising the powerful vehicle editor, thousands of Steam Workshop creations, and ability to replay levels with different vehicles. This ensures players won't run out of new ways to experience the physics-based mayhem, with "infinite replayability" and "thousands of vehicles" to experiment with.

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