The Developer Says...

“As the last summer day fades, all is illuminated.” With gorgeous translucent designs by Mel Kishida, as well as a story that depicts the youth of lifelike girls, based on a theme of human identity and bonding, a new title in the BLUE REFLECTION series is here!

Players Like...

❤ Exhilarating Real-Time Battles

Gone is the turn-based combat from the previous game, replaced by an Active Time Battle (ATB) system that demands more strategic thinking. Players must time their attacks and skills carefully to maximize damage and efficiently take down enemies. Seamlessly switching between party members and coordinating their abilities adds an extra layer of depth to the battles. Additionally, the introduction of one-on-one "Infight" sequences during boss battles tests players' reflexes and timing.

❤ Seamless Exploration of Vibrant Heartscapes

Navigating the game's beautifully-crafted, abstract environments, known as "Heartscapes," is a smooth and engaging experience. Players can freely run, jump, and rotate the camera to admire the visuals without any loading screens or interruptions. This enhanced traversal system immerses players in the exploration of these unique areas, allowing them to discover the game's secrets at their own pace.

❤ Robust Customization and Progression

The sequel introduces a comprehensive character progression system. Players earn skill points and talent points from combat, which can be spent on a variety of upgrades and abilities to tailor their party's capabilities. The game's crafting system also allows players to gather materials and craft items to further enhance their stats and performance. Furthermore, the social systems, where players can go on "dates" with the various characters, provide avenues for relationship-building and unlocking new rewards.

❤ Addressing Feedback and Improving the Experience

Developers have clearly listened to player feedback and addressed several shortcomings from the first game. The exhilarating real-time combat, seamless exploration, and expanded customization and progression systems have been widely celebrated by the community. These improvements deliver a more polished and enjoyable experience for both newcomers and returning fans of the series.

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