
by Reflect Studios

The Developer Says...

Work to expose the numerous criminal degenerates that plague your quiet town. Use citizen-issued reports, police records, social media accounts, text conversations, and more to determine who’s an actual threat and who’s harmless, all while avoiding the killers trying to infiltrate your home.

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❤ Gameplay Overview

In this survival horror game, players take on the role of Luna Youngman, a criminal analyst tasked with investigating suspicious individuals in her town. The core gameplay loop involves sifting through various digital files and records, such as police reports, social media accounts, and text conversations, to determine which individuals pose a threat and which are harmless.

❤ Information Gathering and Analysis

Players have access to a simulated computer system, the A.D.O.S. (Analytical Data Operations System), which allows them to dive deep into the details of each case. This includes reviewing criminal histories, social media profiles, purchase records, and other data points to build a comprehensive understanding of the individuals under investigation. The process of piecing together these digital breadcrumbs and making informed decisions is engaging and rewarding for players.

❤ Multitasking and Prioritization

In addition to the investigative work, players must also maintain vigilance over their own home environment. This requires frequently checking the security cameras, ensuring windows are locked, and keeping the lights on to deter threats. Balancing the investigative tasks with the need to monitor the house creates a constant state of tension and forces players to prioritize their actions effectively.

❤ Challenge and Replayability

The game is widely recognized as challenging, with a steep learning curve. Correctly identifying threats and managing the home environment requires a significant amount of skill and attention to detail. While this level of difficulty can be frustrating for some players, it is highly rewarding for those who persevere. The game's replayability is also praised, as players can experiment with different strategies and approaches to improve their performance over multiple playthroughs.

❤ Customization and Accessibility

The developer has made efforts to accommodate different player preferences. The game offers an "Easy" mode for those who want a more casual experience, as well as the ability to turn off jump scares for players who find them too intense. Additionally, the "Detective Mode" allows players to focus solely on the investigative aspects without the threat of the killers, providing a more relaxed gameplay experience.

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