Cats and the Other Lives

by Cultic Games, Maple Whispering Limited

The Developer Says...

Part interactive fiction, part Felis domesticus adventure, “Cats and the Other Lives” explores the reunion of a broken family from the perspective of their house cat, Aspen.

Players Like...

❤ Narrative-Driven Experience

The game puts players in the paws of Aspen, the house cat of the Mason family, allowing them to experience the complex family drama and relationships from a feline perspective. As players wander the expansive Mason Manor, they witness the tensions, personal histories, and interactions between the family members, unraveling the narrative through Aspen's observations.

❤ Immersive Cat Simulation

A key aspect of the gameplay is capturing the natural behaviors and abilities of a house cat. Players can explore the mansion, jump on furniture, knock over objects, scratch surfaces, and generally cause mischief, just as a curious cat would. These cat-like interactions are integral to progressing the story, as players must leverage Aspen's senses and actions to trigger certain events or gain access to new areas. The game successfully immerses players in the role of the feline protagonist.

❤ Straightforward Puzzle-Solving

While the narrative is the primary focus, the game features light puzzle-solving elements grounded in the cat's capabilities. These include knocking items off surfaces, meowing to get a human's attention, and navigating through tight spaces. The puzzles are relatively straightforward, serving to break up the pacing of the story segments and provide players with a sense of agency and progression.

❤ Challenging Minigame Sequences

Interspersed throughout the game are various minigame sequences that test the player's timing and dexterity. These include chasing mice through pipes, avoiding obstacles, and other cat-themed activities. Several reviewers have noted that these minigames can be frustrating, with some finding the controls to be a bit unwieldy. However, these moments offer a welcome change of pace and a sense of physical cat-like challenges amidst the narrative exploration.

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