Big Ambitions

by Hovgaard Games

The Developer Says...

Big Ambitions is a revolutionary role-playing business sim. Go from nothing to the biggest entrepreneur in New York by opening small businesses or slowly building huge corporations any way you like.

Players Like...

❤ Immersive Simulation

You become an entrepreneur, building your business empire in a detailed, simulated 3D city. You start with meager resources, but your uncle helps you get an apartment and your first job. From there, you must grow your wealth and influence by carefully managing and expanding your business operations. The game world feels alive, allowing you to physically interact with the environment. You can enter any building, buy property, and furnish your businesses and homes. Players praise this level of interactivity and immersion as a standout feature.

❤ Business Management

A major focus is the intricate management of various business operations. You can start small with a single shop, then gradually expand into larger corporations and diversify into different industries. Running a successful business requires careful attention to inventory management, supply chains, staffing, pricing, and customer service. You have control over every aspect, from designing the storefront and logo to hiring and training employees. The depth of the business simulation is a key draw, allowing you to micromanage the minutiae or take a more hands-off approach by hiring managers.

❤ Progression and Customization

As you progress, you unlock new business opportunities, real estate, vehicles, and other investments to grow your wealth and influence. The sense of progression and achievement in steadily building an economic empire is highly engaging. Beyond the core business activities, you can also customize your personal living spaces, from apartments to luxury penthouses. This adds an additional layer of gameplay and self-expression, as you can tailor your living environment to your personal style and preferences.

❤ Freeform Sandbox

The open-ended, sandbox-style gameplay allows you to pursue your entrepreneurial ambitions in whatever way you choose. You can build a diverse conglomerate, specialize in a particular industry, or take risky bets at the casino. The lack of rigid objectives or linear progression encourages creativity, experimentation, and the ability to carve your own unique path to success. You can define your own version of success, whether it's measured in net worth, business empire size, or personal quality of life.

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