Shanghai Summer

by FUTU Studio, Astrolabe Games

The Developer Says...

Shanghai Summer is an adventure game set in the millennium. Our protagonist, Baichuan, goes through a series of "anomalies" over the length of twelve days. In his pursuit of the truth, he found that his hopes and regrets from the past finally seem to converge. Will he be able to "fix" it for good?

Players Like...

❤ Engaging Exploration

Players navigate the game's environments, such as classrooms, bookstores, and neighborhood cafes, by clicking and moving around. This interactive approach allows them to discover new "Topics" and "Clues" that provide deeper insight into the characters and the overarching narrative. The ability to actively participate in unraveling the story creates a sense of immersion and engagement.

❤ Character-Driven Progression

The game's progression revolves around the narrative, with players needing to pay close attention to the dialogue and interactions between the characters. By gathering information and piecing together the mystery, players can influence the story and its multiple endings, adding a layer of replayability and player agency.

❤ Emotional Journey

One of the game's strengths is its ability to create an emotionally resonant experience for players. The narrative delves into the characters' personal struggles, regrets, and hopes, allowing players to empathize with their emotional journeys. The opportunity to "fix" the characters' "shattered dreams" suggests a narrative arc that offers a sense of resolution and catharsis.

❤ Immersive Storytelling

The gameplay seamlessly blends interactive exploration and character-driven progression to create an immersive storytelling experience. Players actively participate in unraveling the mystery, while the game's focus on the emotional lives of its characters sets it apart from more traditional visual novel experiences.

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