The Wake: Mourning Father, Mourning Mother

by Somi, indienova

The Developer Says...

The Wake is a record of past wounds opened at a three-day funeral. The journal is encoded with a simple substitution cipher that the player must break in order to reveal the writer’s psyche and discover the contradictions that define him.

Players Like...

❤ Breaking the Cipher

The game tasks players with breaking a simple substitution cipher encoded in the protagonist's journal entries. To progress the story, players must decipher the text and uncover the writer's psyche, revealing the contradictions that define him. This cipher-breaking mechanic is tightly integrated into the game's exploration and narrative, requiring players to actively engage with the text.

❤ Gradual Difficulty and Mastery

Initial reviews suggest the cipher puzzles can be challenging at first, with some players struggling to fully grasp the mechanics. However, as they progress through the game, players report gradually developing a better understanding of the system. Many noted that by the midpoint, they no longer needed to reference guides for later chapters, experiencing a satisfying sense of mastery over the puzzle-solving.

❤ Immersive Storytelling

While the cipher-breaking is a core gameplay element, reviewers have widely praised the game's powerful narrative as its primary strength. The developers have crafted a deeply personal and emotionally resonant exploration of generational trauma and guilt, with the cipher-decoding serving to amplify the player's investment in unraveling the protagonist's psyche. The atmospheric presentation and evocative writing work in tandem with the gameplay to create an immersive and impactful experience.

❤ Accessibility Considerations

Some players have encountered issues with the game's visual presentation, citing eye strain or headaches caused by the text-heavy nature and stylistic choices, such as word breaks and flipping effects. However, many others have found the minimalist aesthetic and focus on the written narrative to be a strength, allowing the story to take center stage.

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