Line War

by Studio Centurion

The Developer Says...

A new type of RTS-style game with elements from 4X, Wargame, and Real-Time Tactics genres. Draw commands and execute a superior strategy to win over your opponent without the need for micro-management.

Players Like...

❤ Innovative Command System

The game's unique command system allows you to quickly and intuitively control your forces by drawing lines across the battlefield. Rather than individually selecting and micromanaging units, you issue commands by sketching movement paths, defensive positions, and attack vectors. This frees you from the intense APM demands of traditional RTS games, enabling a more thoughtful, strategic approach.

❤ Strategic Depth over Micro

The game's slower pace gives you time to plan and execute your moves, rather than frantically reacting. You won't need lightning-fast reflexes or hundreds of actions per minute to succeed. Instead, the focus is on high-level strategic decision-making - configuring your command lines, coordinating combined-arms tactics, and managing your territorial expansion and resource production.

❤ Balanced, Complementary Units

The game features a roster of distinct land, air, and naval unit types, each fulfilling a specialized role. You can't simply mass-produce a single dominant unit. Effective play requires you to consider unit compositions and synergies, creating opportunities for varied, replayable strategies.

❤ Accessibility and Replayability

The command system's accessibility lowers the barriers to entry, making the game approachable for players who may have been intimidated by the steep learning curves of other RTS titles. Meanwhile, the procedurally generated, asymmetrical maps and the versatility of the line-drawing mechanics ensure that no two matches play out the same way, promoting emergent gameplay and long-term replayability.

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