by Amicable Animal, Armor Games Studios

The Developer Says...

Explore SOLAS 128, a game of interconnected puzzles where you redirect and reconfigure rhythmic pulses of light to breathe life back into an ancient machine. BAFTA Scotland Game Winner.

Players Like...

❤ Interconnected Puzzle Design

Players praise the game's creative and interconnected puzzle design. Each individual room presents a unique challenge, where players must manipulate mirrors and other light-altering objects to guide rhythmic pulses of light to their designated exits. However, these puzzles are not isolated; rather, their solutions often impact or even become required for solving adjacent rooms. This overarching structure encourages exploration as players uncover new areas and solve increasingly complex meta-puzzles spanning multiple screens.

❤ Pulse Mechanics and Synced Gameplay

Reviewers highlight the game's innovative "pulse" mechanics, where the light is composed of discrete, rhythmic pulses that can collide, combine, and split in various ways. Players must carefully time and coordinate these pulses to achieve the desired effects, adding an extra layer of complexity to the puzzles. Furthermore, the entire game is synchronized to an original synthwave soundtrack, with the pulses moving in time to the music. This synced gameplay creates a cohesive, immersive experience, where the visuals, audio, and puzzle-solving all blend together seamlessly.

❤ Increasing Complexity and Emergent Mechanics

As players progress, the game steadily introduces new mechanics and components, gradually increasing the complexity of the puzzles. While the initial rooms may seem straightforward, the game quickly escalates, presenting players with intricate setups and surprising interactions between the various light-manipulating elements. Reviewers praise this sense of progression, as they constantly encounter new challenges and discover unexpected solutions, leading to a deeply satisfying and rewarding gameplay experience.

❤ Accessibility and Colorblind Friendliness

Reviewers frequently highlight the game's accessibility, particularly for colorblind players. The visuals use distinct shapes and profiles for the different light pulses, rather than relying solely on color differentiation. Additionally, the game provides customizable contrast settings, allowing players to adjust the visual elements to their preference. This thoughtful design choice ensures that the puzzles remain solvable and engaging for a wide range of players.

❤ Secrets and Bonus Challenges

Many reviewers mention the presence of hidden areas, secret puzzles, and additional bonus challenges within the game. These optional content pieces extend the gameplay experience, encouraging players to explore the interconnected world and uncover its full depth. Completing these extra challenges is described as immensely rewarding, as they often feature the most intricate and inventive uses of the game's mechanics, further showcasing the developer's puzzle-crafting expertise.

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