Far Away

by Gratesca, Thermite Games

The Developer Says...

Far Away is a visual novel full of dark humor depicting immersive storylines rather than romantic drama. You will play as Krosa, a typical girl who experiences gang conflicts, crimes, conspiracies, and family grudges in the port city of Bedjan.

Players Like...

❤ Narrative Depth and Branching Storylines

Players praise the game's deep and intricate narrative, which features up to 9 riveting storylines and 16 alternate endings. With over 300 choices to make, players can experience the story from multiple perspectives, significantly impacting the fate of the main character Krosa and the destiny of the city of Bedjan. This level of narrative branching and player agency keeps players engaged as they explore the complex web of conspiracies, crimes, and family grudges.

❤ Immersive World-Building

The game transports players to the port city of Bedjan on the Colseth Continent, a rich and detailed setting that feels alive and grounded. The city's strategic location and the various factions vying for control over it create a compelling backdrop for the narrative, immersing players in the game's tangible world.

❤ Branching Dialogue and Characters

Players highlight the game's branching dialogue system and well-developed characters. Their choices not only impact the story but also shape their relationships with the various characters. Players appreciate the depth and complexity of the characters, as they are able to establish different connections with them depending on their decisions, further enhancing the game's replayability and player investment.

❤ Unique Setting and Tone

The game's blend of Hong Kong crime thriller elements, steampunk aesthetics, and dark humor creates a distinctive atmosphere that many players find compelling and refreshing. The Cantonese voice acting, references to anime and film, and the game's overall stylistic choices contribute to its unique identity.

❤ Replay Value

The combination of branching storylines, multiple endings, and the ability to experience the narrative from different perspectives gives the game a high degree of replay value. Players express a desire to revisit the game to uncover new paths, see alternative outcomes, and deepen their understanding of the intricate web of schemes and secrets.

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