Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst

by DICE, Electronic Arts

The Developer Says...

ONLINE FEATURES FOR THIS TITLE HAVE BEEN DISCONTINUED. Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst raises the action-adventure bar through fluid, first person action and immerses players in Faith's story as she fights for freedom.

Players Like...

❤ Fluid and Responsive Parkour Gameplay

The movement system allows players to fluidly transition between parkour actions like wall-runs, ledge grabs, slides, and vaults. The controls feel tight and precise, enabling players to carefully plan and execute complex traversal sequences. This emphasis on momentum-based movement is a hallmark of the series, and it is executed exceptionally well in this title.

❤ Emphasis on Exploration and Environmental Traversal

The open-world design encourages players to freely explore the futuristic city and discover new paths and routes to traverse. The levels feature verticality, challenging players to find creative ways to navigate the environment, whether it's leaping between rooftops, shimmying along pipes, or wall-running up the sides of skyscrapers. This sense of freedom and agency in choosing their own path to reach objectives promotes replayability as players seek to find the most efficient or stylish routes.

❤ Skill Progression and Unlockable Abilities

The skill progression system allows players to unlock new parkour and combat abilities as they earn experience points. For example, players can unlock traversal enhancements like improved wall-running or air-dashing, as well as combat-focused skills such as more powerful attacks or stun maneuvers. These unlockable abilities help to expand the player's toolkit and allow for greater expression and creativity in their movement and combat.

❤ Challenging Time Trials and Leaderboards

The game offers a variety of time trials and leaderboard challenges that test the player's mastery of the parkour system. These trials task the player with navigating obstacle courses and reaching checkpoints as quickly as possible, requiring precise timing, momentum management, and an intimate knowledge of the environment. The inclusion of leaderboards and the ability to share and compare custom time trials with the community adds a competitive element, encouraging players to continually refine their techniques.

❤ Seamless Integration of Combat

The combat system is well-integrated with the overall gameplay, allowing players to use a variety of light and heavy attacks, as well as environmental takedowns, to defeat hostile enemies. The combat is designed to flow seamlessly with the parkour, enabling players to maintain their momentum and use the surroundings to their advantage, such as performing traversal attacks that launch enemies into the environment or shifting behind opponents to deliver a swift kick. This seamless integration of combat and traversal helps to reinforce the game's emphasis on movement and fluidity.

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