Monster Girls and the Mysterious Adventure


The Developer Says...

Let's go on adventures with monster girls!! This game is Roguelike RPG.

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❤ Explore Randomized Dungeons and Befriend Unique Monster Girls

This roguelike RPG features a turn-based system where players must navigate randomly generated dungeon floors, interacting with a diverse cast of monster girls to recruit them as allies.

❤ Befriending Monster Girls

When encountering a monster girl, players can give them drinks, ignore them, or compare their strength to build relationships. Upon becoming a "Friend," the monster girl will join the player's party, providing valuable support in combat.

❤ Upgrading Equipment

As players progress, they'll discover a variety of equipment to pick up and upgrade. However, the game's roguelike nature means that upon death, players lose their entire inventory (except for equipped items), forcing them to start over. This creates a sense of risk and reward as players decide which items to keep or discard.

❤ Combating Dungeon Threats

To combat the ever-changing dungeon threats, players can visit the village between runs to enchant or repair their gear, further customizing their loadout. Environmental hazards, such as "Rust traps" that degrade equipment, also require careful navigation, adding an extra layer of challenge.

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