Severed Steel

by Greylock Studio,

The Developer Says...

An intense single-player FPS featuring a stylish movement system, completely destructible levels, and an acclaimed OST.

Players Like...

❤ Fluid and Stylish Movement

Players can fluidly chain together a variety of parkour maneuvers, including wall-runs, dives, flips, and slides, to navigate the environment and engage enemies. The responsive controls allow players to feel in complete control as they gracefully traverse levels and pull off spectacular stunts.

❤ Destructible Voxel Environments

The game features fully destructible voxel environments, allowing players to punch holes in walls, ceilings, and floors to create their own paths through levels. This adds an extra layer of strategy, as players can use the destructibility to surprise and outmaneuver enemies, or carve out new routes for movement.

❤ Unique One-Armed Protagonist

The protagonist, Steel, is a nimble one-armed sharpshooter. Since Steel cannot reload weapons, players must carefully manage their shots and be prepared to pry loaded weapons from fallen enemies. This mechanic encourages an aggressive, mobile playstyle.

❤ Bullet Time Mechanics

The game features an extensive use of bullet time, which players can activate to slow down time and plan their next moves. Interestingly, the duration of bullet time is tied to the player's ability to perform stylish moves and kills, further incentivizing the fluid, acrobatic combat.

❤ Dynamic AI Encounters

The squad-based AI enemies react dynamically to the player's actions, rather than following scripted patterns. This helps to ensure that no two battles are exactly the same, adding to the game's replayability.

❤ Diverse Gameplay Modes

In addition to the main campaign, the game offers several other modes, such as the arcade-styled Firefight mode, which challenges players to chase high scores and fast times, and the Rogue mode, which introduces rogue-lite elements for a fresh, randomly generated experience.

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