Combat Mission Black Sea

by Battlefront, Slitherine Ltd.

The Developer Says...

Combat Mission Black Sea is a military grade simulation depicting a fictional series of escalations between Russian and Ukraine which results in open conflict in the summer of 2017

Players Like...

❤ Realistic, Challenging, and Tactical Military Simulation

Combat Mission: Black Sea immerses players in a realistic, challenging, and deeply tactical military simulation. The game allows you to command individual vehicles, teams, and squads, with an exceptional level of detail in simulating real-world military tactics, equipment capabilities, and battlefield effects.

❤ Innovative Simulation Systems

The innovative simulation systems in the game significantly impact unit performance. For example, the advanced portrayal of "soft factors" like morale, experience, and leadership forces you to carefully manage your forces, as these elements can make or break an engagement. The Fog of War, Spotting, Line of Sight, and Command & Control mechanics also require meticulous planning, as you cannot rely on perfect information about the battlefield.

❤ Depth and Complexity for Dedicated Tactical Wargamers

One of the game's strongest suits is its depth and complexity, catering to the demands of dedicated tactical wargamers. You must meticulously consider factors like terrain, cover, and unit positioning to gain the upper hand, as the wide variety of modern military units, each with distinct capabilities, allows for a multitude of strategic approaches and tactical maneuvers.

❤ Dedication to Realism and Authenticity

The developers' dedication to realism is particularly impressive, as they have accurately recreated the intricacies of modern warfare, incorporating real-world military doctrine and tactics. This level of authenticity enhances the strategic experience, as you must adapt your thinking and decision-making to align with actual battlefield considerations.

❤ Challenging AI and Engaging Multiplayer

The game's AI opponents are renowned for their challenging and adaptive behavior, forcing you to constantly adjust your strategies and think several moves ahead. Additionally, the Play By Email (PBEM) multiplayer functionality allows for engaging and prolonged tactical battles against human opponents.

❤ Versatility and Replayability

The game's versatility, including single-player campaigns, standalone scenarios, and a scenario editor, caters to various playstyles and preferences, further enhancing its longevity and replayability.

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