Mr. Sun's Hatbox

by Kenny Sun, Raw Fury

The Developer Says...

Mr Sun’s Hatbox is a slapstick, roguelite platformer about getting the job done at all costs. Upgrade your HQ, your team, and your tools so you can take on increasingly dangerous (and ridiculous) missions, wearing hats with amazing (or questionable) potential.

Players Like...

❤ Flexible and Chaotic Gameplay

You'll take control of a team of deliverymen and thieves tasked with recovering a stolen hatbox from the dastardly Mr. Moon. Each procedurally generated level is filled with obstacles, enemies, and a diverse array of hats and gadgets you can use in creative ways. The gameplay encourages flexibility, as you must adapt to the random challenges presented in each level, making use of the tools and character abilities at your disposal.

❤ Quirky Character Traits

Every agent possesses a unique set of random positive and negative character traits. These quirks can significantly impact their performance, granting beneficial abilities like improved reflexes or explosive jumps, but also hindrances such as poor eyesight or a fear of corpses. Carefully managing these traits and building a well-rounded team is crucial to success.

❤ Stealth and Infiltration

While direct combat is an option, the game rewards a stealthy approach. You can sneak around enemies, use distractions and environmental hazards to your advantage, and capture or eliminate targets without alerting the rest of the level. Successful stealth runs provide additional experience and resources, incentivizing you to plan your moves carefully and avoid detection.

❤ Fulton Extraction and Base Building

You can use Fulton balloons to capture unconscious enemies, valuable items, and even allies, bringing them back to your base for recruitment or research. This base-building aspect allows you to gradually upgrade your headquarters, unlocking new rooms, equipment, and abilities to aid you in subsequent missions.

❤ Unpredictable Chaos and Emergent Gameplay

The physics-based interactions between characters, items, and the environment can lead to highly chaotic and often hilarious situations. You may inadvertently trigger chain reactions of explosions, find yourself trapped by your own traps, or witness your agents succumb to their own quirks in unexpected ways. This unpredictable chaos is a key part of the experience, as you revel in the emergent and absurd outcomes that can arise from the game's complex systems.

❤ Replayability and Progression

The combination of procedurally generated levels, diverse character traits, and the ability to capture and recruit enemies creates a high degree of replayability. No two runs are the same, and you can experiment with different strategies and team compositions to tackle challenges. As your agents level up and your base expands, the gameplay evolves, introducing new layers of complexity and difficulty that keep you engaged and invested in your long-term progress.

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