Black Hole Simulator

by PanGuoJun

The Developer Says...

A simple black hole simulator.

Players Like...

❤ Adjusting Black Hole Parameters

Players can adjust a variety of parameters to simulate the appearance of a black hole as accurately as possible. Altering the temperature, size, and accretion disc of the black hole allows users to witness the visual changes and better understand the complex physics at play.

❤ Interacting with Celestial Objects

One key feature is the ability to introduce a star into the simulation and observe its interaction with the black hole. Watching the star become distorted and eventually drawn into the black hole's event horizon provides a captivating demonstration of the immense gravitational pull of these cosmic phenomena.

❤ Audio Simulation

The simulation also includes an audio component, enabling players to hear the radio noise and eerie tones produced by the black hole based on its mass and the proximity of nearby objects. This auditory element enhances the overall immersive experience.

❤ Cosmic Exploration

A recent update added the ability for players to "fly into" the black hole, offering a unique perspective as they witness the distortion of space-time within the event horizon. This cosmic exploration feature is widely praised for its visual spectacle and educational value.

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