
by Small Studio by Mac Guff, Atlas V, a_BAHN, Astrea

The Developer Says...

In the jungle at night, a journey awaits for you... are you ready to embrace the experience? Ayahuasca, the vine of the soul, and how to find your inner space.

Players Like...

❤ Immerses Players in Authentic Psychedelic Visuals

The virtual reality experience remarkably captures the visual, auditory, and visceral sensations of a psychedelic trip, according to many players. One reviewer stated it is "the closest thing [they've] ever experienced to actually consuming psychedelics." The environment feels deeply rooted in Amazonian shamanism, with the inclusion of indigenous chanting, ritualistic imagery, and psychedelic motifs like snakes, insects, and fractals. Players are often in awe of the level of detail and realism, with one describing the visuals as "absolutely breathtaking" and another calling it a "pure masterpiece."

❤ Induces Meditative and Cathartic Feelings

While the initial stages can be unsettling, with disturbing imagery of creepy crawlies, many players report finding the overall journey to be meditative and cathartic. The visuals, sounds, and sense of surrendering to the "trip" can induce feelings of inner peace, connection, and personal growth, akin to the reported effects of real-world ayahuasca use. As one reviewer put it, the experience is "beautiful and cleansing."

❤ Offers Replay Value and Shared Experiences

Despite the relatively short length of the experience (around 20 minutes), many players express a desire to revisit it multiple times, either to explore the nuances of the psychedelic visuals or to share the experience with friends. The game's ability to simulate an altered state of consciousness makes it an appealing option for "psychonauts" and those interested in expanding their perceptual horizons through virtual means.

❤ Cautions Users About Intense and Unsettling Imagery

It's important to note that the experience can be quite intense, particularly for those with fears of snakes or insects, and is not recommended for use while under the influence of actual psychoactive substances. Additionally, some players have reported issues with performance and optimization, depending on their hardware.

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