Urtuk: The Desolation

by David Kaleta

The Developer Says...

Urtuk is an open world, tactical turn-based RPG in a low-fantasy setting. Guide your band of adventurers through the ruins of an ancient world. Recruit new followers, loot the corpses of your fallen foes, and do your best to survive in this harsh and unforgiving realm.

Players Like...

❤ Tactical, Turn-Based Combat

The battles take place on large, hex-based maps where players must carefully position and maneuver their party of up to 6 unique characters. Unlike many other turn-based tactics games, the combat features no random hit chances or damage rolls - all attacks and abilities function consistently, allowing players to precisely plan their moves and trades. This creates a gameplay loop centered around creatively leveraging the various character classes, skills, and environmental hazards to outmaneuver opponents.

❤ Character Customization and Growth

Players can develop their characters' unique, emergent abilities and traits based on their actions in battle. For example, a character who frequently attacks from high ground may unlock the ability to push enemies off cliffs on critical hits. This customization, combined with the ability to extract skills and mutations from defeated enemies, allows players to craft highly specialized and synergistic party compositions. Experimenting with different character builds and exploring the breadth of possible abilities is a major draw.

❤ Varied Environments and Factions

The game's procedurally generated maps and wide array of enemy factions force players to constantly adapt their tactics. Terrain features like spike pits, high ground, and environmental hazards require thoughtful positioning, while facing off against diverse enemy types, from human bandits to mutated beasts, demands appropriate counter-strategies. This variety, combined with the game's lack of reliance on RNG, ensures that each battle feels like a unique puzzle to solve.

❤ Emphasis on Positioning and Tactics

The game rewards careful planning and execution, with environmental hazards and synergistic abilities serving as the primary means of gaining advantages. There is a high skill ceiling, as players must master the nuances of movement, elevation, and combo attacks to overcome the game's challenges. This focus on tactics over raw power or RNG luck is a large part of what distinguishes the combat from similar titles in the genre, demanding that players hone their strategic decision-making.

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