Coral Island

by Stairway Games, Humble Games

The Developer Says...

Coral Island is a vibrant and laid-back reimagining of farm sim games. Be who you want and experience enchanting island living at your own pace—live off the land, nurture animals, build relationships with a diverse cast of townsfolk, and make the world around you a more vital and harmonious place.

Players Like...

❤ Farming and Crop Cultivation

You can transform your initially overrun land into a thriving, lush dreamscape. Choose from a wide variety of crops, including seasonal fruits and vegetables, as well as rare and unique plant life. The responsive and satisfying farming mechanics allow you to efficiently tend to your crops using tools and upgrades, including sprinklers to automate your agricultural efforts.

❤ Animal Husbandry

Acquire and raise a variety of livestock, including chickens, cows, and even llamas. Each animal has its own needs and personalities, and you can form bonds with your farm animals through regular care and interaction. The well-implemented animal systems involve gameplay loops around feeding, grooming, and monitoring the health and happiness of your livestock.

❤ Crafting and Resource Gathering

Craft a wide range of items, from basic tools to complex artisanal goods, by gathering resources through mining, foraging, and exploring the island's diverse environments. The engaging mining and resource gathering mechanics include satisfying minigames and progression systems around tool upgrades and unlocking new areas to explore.

❤ Fishing and Bug Catching

Engage in fishing, which involves a timing-based minigame to successfully reel in a catch, and bug catching, where you carefully stalk and capture a variety of insects. Both activities offer substantial content, with numerous species to discover and collections to complete.

❤ Diving and Maritime Exploration

Don your scuba gear and dive into the surrounding ocean to restore damaged coral reefs, uncover ancient relics, and interact with the island's mysterious merfolk inhabitants. The engaging diving mechanics offer a fresh twist on the typical farming sim gameplay.

❤ Social Systems and Relationships

Forge relationships with the game's large and diverse cast of over 70 unique characters, each with their own personalities, interests, and narratives. The well-developed social systems feature meaningful dialogue options, gift-giving, and event-driven interactions that shape your connections with the island's residents.

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