
by Artificer, Good Shepherd Entertainment

The Developer Says...

As a contestant on a high stakes reality game show of the future, you must survive a dangerous urban environment packed with traps, confounding puzzles, and heavily armed psychopaths. Turn-based combat in hand crafted levels, built for entertainment.

Players Like...

❤ Tight, Precise Tactical Combat

Players take control of a party of 2-3 characters and must strategically position them, utilize their unique abilities, and eliminate heavily armed enemies in hand-crafted urban arenas. Reviewers praise the combat mechanics as "well-done and fun," highlighting the satisfying and rewarding tactical gameplay.

❤ Diverse Character Progression

As players progress, they can unlock new party members and upgrade their abilities through a skill tree system. Reviewers note how each character feels distinct, with their own special skills that complement the overall party composition. While direct cosmetic customization is limited, the progression system allows players to tailor their team's combat capabilities to their preferred playstyle.

❤ Engaging Exploration and Puzzles

Between combat encounters, the game offers exploration segments where players must navigate dangerous environments, solve environmental puzzles, and uncover optional objectives and loot. Reviewers state that these exploration phases help break up the pace, providing a nice change of tempo from the intense tactical battles. The puzzles, while not overly complex, are well-designed and integrated cohesively with the dystopian setting.

❤ Dynamic, Hazardous Environments

A key aspect praised by reviewers is the inclusion of environmental hazards and interactive elements within the combat arenas. Levels are "hand-crafted" to create unique challenges, with traps, obstacles, and environmental dangers that players must strategize around. This dynamic level design ensures that no two battles play out the same way, keeping the tactical combat engaging and unpredictable.

❤ Compelling Pacing and Progression

Reviewers comment on the excellent pacing and progression, with the game striking a balance between longer, more involved tactical battles and shorter, faster-paced "ambush" encounters. This variety, combined with the steady unlocking of new abilities, weapons, and party members, creates a consistently compelling gameplay loop that keeps players invested throughout the experience.

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