Golf Gang

by Lazy Monday Games, Curve Games

The Developer Says...

Golf Gang is a racing game. It’s a party game. It’s the fastest game of minigolf you'll ever play! Blend precision with speed to dominate in 8-player online mayhem or your solo speed runs.

Players Like...

❤ Innovative Gameplay Mechanics

The game blends traditional mini-golf with a racing element, challenging players to focus on both the precision of their shots and the speed at which they can navigate the course. The ability to take shots while the ball is still in motion adds an extra layer of complexity, as players must react quickly to course obstacles and their opponent's ball positions.

❤ Chaotic and Cooperative Multiplayer

In the 8-player online multiplayer mode, the combination of speed, precision, and unpredictable power-ups creates a chaotic and exhilarating experience. Players must not only compete against each other, but also work together to navigate the courses, with opportunities to both hinder and assist their opponents. This blend of competition and cooperation is a key part of the game's appeal.

❤ Customizable Chaos

Players can further enhance the chaos through a variety of modifiers, such as low gravity, explosive collisions, and bullet time. These modifiers can be combined in countless ways, allowing players to create unique and highly customized gameplay experiences. This flexibility caters to a wide range of player preferences, from those seeking a more traditional mini-golf experience to those who embrace the game's delightful insanity.

❤ Addictive Progression and Replayability

The game's progression system rewards players with in-game currency based on their performance, encouraging repeated playthroughs. Players can use this currency to unlock new courses, skins, and accessories, providing a sense of accomplishment and incentive to continually hone their skills. Additionally, the game's leaderboards and time trial modes offer a competitive outlet for players looking to master the courses and achieve the fastest times.

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