Ember Knights

by Doom Turtle, Twin Sails Interactive

The Developer Says...

Ember Knights is an action rogue-lite for 1-4 players where you play as legendary knights, the last spark of hope against the mad sorcerer Praxis and his hordes of unwavering fiends. Wield weapons & skills, build synergies with game-changing relics and free the universe of Praxis’ corruption.

Players Like...

❤ Fluid, Fast-Paced Combat

Reviewers consistently praise the fluidity and fast-paced nature of the combat. Players highlight the responsive controls, smooth animations, and satisfying hit feedback, creating an engaging and kinetic gameplay experience. The ability to dodge through attacks with a brief period of invulnerability allows players to masterfully time their movements to avoid damage.

❤ Varied Playstyles and Synergies

The game offers players a diverse array of 7 unique weapons, each with 9 modifications, 20 skills, and well over 100 relics to experiment with. Reviewers enjoy the ability to create unique character builds that cater to different preferences, from a fire-spreading scythe wielder to a relentless damage-resistant spellcaster to a poison-spreading archer with summons. The robust system of item and ability synergies is praised, as players can discover and execute powerful combinations that drastically alter their playstyle.

❤ Challenging but Fair Difficulty

While the game is described as challenging, reviewers consistently note that the difficulty feels fair and well-designed. Players appreciate that deaths typically stem from their own mistakes, rather than feeling unfair or out of their control. The game's difficulty curve is noted as well-balanced, providing a satisfying sense of progression as players improve and unlock new content.

❤ Rewarding Progression and Replayability

The progression system, which allows players to unlock new weapons, skills, and relics over the course of their runs, is widely praised. Reviewers highlight the game's high replayability, as the potential for discovering new powerful synergies and builds keeps each run feeling fresh and engaging. The ability to customize and fine-tune one's playstyle is seen as a key factor in the game's addictive nature.

❤ Excellent Co-op Experience

A significant draw of the experience is the well-executed co-op functionality, which allows up to four players to team up and take on the game's challenges together. Reviewers describe the co-op as "genius" and "essential," as it encourages coordinated gameplay and the exploration of complementary character builds. The game's ability to provide a fun, challenging multiplayer experience is frequently cited as a standout feature.

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