Full Throttle Remastered

by Double Fine Productions, Shiny Shoe

The Developer Says...

Originally released by LucasArts in 1995, Full Throttle is a classic graphic adventure game from industry legend Tim Schafer, telling the story of Ben Throttle; butt-kicking leader of biker gang the Polecats, who gets caught up in a tale of Motorcycles, Mayhem and Murder.

Players Like...

❤ Story and Protagonist

The captivating tale of Ben Throttle, the leader of the biker gang Polecats, who gets embroiled in a conflict involving a corrupt motor company's attempt to take over the last remaining motorcycle manufacturer. The story explores themes of loyalty, tradition, and the importance of preserving biker culture.
Players are drawn into the adventure through Ben's perspective, experiencing a range of emotions as he goes to great lengths to save his gang from the company's nefarious plans.
The strength and determination of the protagonist Ben, who is willing to use whatever means necessary, including physical force, to protect his friends and their way of life.

❤ Audio

The remastered audio, featuring a full digital score with the authentic hard-hitting biker band "The Gone Jackals", enhances the cinematic feel of the game.
The high-quality voice acting, including a standout performance by Mark Hamill, brings the characters to life and immerses players in the game's world.
The ability to seamlessly switch between the original and remastered audio modes allows players to customize their experience and revisit the classic sounds they remember.

❤ Gameplay

The classic point-and-click adventure game mechanics, which task players with solving puzzles using a variety of interactive options, including the humorous ability to "lick" objects (which Ben often refuses to do).
The satisfying combat sequences where players must rapidly hit punch while steering their bike towards enemy vehicles, adding an exciting and challenging element to the gameplay.
The variety of ways to approach problem-solving, ranging from using logical reasoning to employing brute force, such as kicking down doors or forcing characters to talk, provides a sense of player agency.

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