Jack Move

by So Romantic, HypeTrain Digital

The Developer Says...

Jack Move is a JRPG that features a unique blend of gritty cyberpunk story telling, turn based battles and beautiful modern pixel art. Take on the role of Noa, a vigilante hacker who is thrust into a world of murder, kidnapping and dark research after her father goes missing.

Players Like...

❤ The Turn-Based Combat Shines with an Elemental "Rock-Paper-Scissors" System

Players take control of the protagonist, Noa, in the game's turn-based combat encounters. The combat system draws inspiration from classic Japanese RPGs, requiring players to strategically exploit enemy weaknesses using an elemental weakness system. For example, certain attacks may be more effective against specific enemy types, forcing players to carefully consider which software (skills) to equip on Noa's Cyber Deck to gain the upper hand.

❤ Customize Noa's Cyber Deck for Adaptive Gameplay

A unique aspect of the combat is the Cyber Deck system, which allows players to freely swap out different software programs before and during battles. This flexibility encourages experimentation, as players can adapt their loadout to counter the threats they face. Reviewers praised this system for enabling diverse playstyles and rewarding an understanding of the various software options.

❤ Balance Random Encounters to Your Preference

The game gives players the ability to adjust the frequency of random encounters, a feature that many reviewers appreciated. This allows players to grind at their preferred pace or quickly traverse the game's dungeons, preventing the experience from feeling too grindy or overly difficult.

❤ Streamlined Progression Avoids Unnecessary Padding

While some found the game to be relatively easy, especially in the latter half, many reviewers appreciated the streamlined progression system. The ability to quickly level up and become overpowered was seen as a positive, allowing players to focus on the story and exploration without being bogged down by excessive grinding.

❤ Visually Stunning Pixel Art and Animations

Reviewers consistently praised the game's "Hi-Bit" pixel art graphics and the quality of the animations, particularly during combat. The vibrant cyberpunk aesthetic was widely considered a highlight of the experience.

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