Sonar Shock

by Raphael Bossniak

The Developer Says...

Submarine’s haunted! Hunt and be hunted in this horror dungeon crawler inspired by the decay of the Soviet Union (and immersive RPGs from the 90s).

Players Like...

❤ Blending Immersive Sim and Dungeon Crawler

The game blends elements from immersive sim classics like System Shock with a first-person dungeon crawler experience. Players explore the eerie halls of a Soviet submarine, navigating a unique mix of RPG mechanics, survival horror tension, and an atmospheric Soviet-themed setting.

❤ Intentionally "Clunky" but Tense Controls

One of the game's defining features is its unconventional control scheme. Instead of modern FPS conventions like free mouse look and strafing, the game restricts movement to a grid-based system reminiscent of the original System Shock. While some players find this control style clunky, many praise it as an intentional design choice that heightens the tense, survival-horror atmosphere.

❤ Manual Weapon Handling Adds Tension

The game's manual weapon handling system requires players to physically interact with firearms on the UI, manually reloading magazines and racking slides. Reviewers highlight this mechanic as a key contributor to the game's sense of tension and immersion, as players must carefully manage their limited ammunition and weapon states under pressure.

❤ Meaningful RPG Depth and Customization

Sonar Shock incorporates light RPG elements, allowing players to level up their character and invest points into various skills and abilities. This system influences combat proficiency, hacking prowess, and even the player's resistance to the game's sanity-draining effects. Reviewers praise this as adding meaningful depth and replayability to the experience.

❤ Survival Horror and Scarce Resources

Drawing inspiration from survival horror games, the experience presents players with a constant struggle to manage their limited resources. Ammunition, health items, and save consumables are all scarce, forcing players to make tough choices about how to approach encounters. Reviewers highlight this design as heightening the sense of dread and necessity for careful, strategic play.

❤ Immersive Atmosphere and Rewarding Exploration

The game's Soviet-themed setting and dark, atmospheric presentation have been widely praised. The intricate level design encourages thorough exploration, with reviewers highlighting the sense of discovery and the satisfying feeling of unearthing the submarine's haunting secrets.

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