Ports of Call Classic

by Dipl. Ing. Rolf-Dieter Klein, Dipl. Ing. Rolf-Dieter Klein

The Developer Says...

created by Rolf-Dieter Klein and Martin Ulrich The classic trade- and shippingsimulation Ports of Call. Create your own Shiptrading company.

Players Like...

❤ Founding and Managing a Shipping Empire

Players start with a modest capital of $1-4 million (depending on the year) to purchase their first ships and establish a shipping company. The core gameplay loop revolves around finding lucrative cargo contracts, transporting goods between ports, and reinvesting earnings to gradually expand the fleet and network of trade routes. Strategic decision-making is key to success. Players must carefully consider factors like fuel costs, freight rates, and shipping times to maximize profits. The simulation aims to realistically model the economics of the tramp shipping industry, with supply and demand, port regulations, and other market conditions influencing the viability of different cargo contracts.

❤ Challenging Ship Handling Minigames

In addition to the strategic trading aspects, the game also incorporates ship handling and maneuvering minigames. When docking or undocking at ports, players must manually pilot their vessels, adjusting speed and rudder to carefully navigate into crowded harbors. These sequences realistically simulate the challenges of operating large cargo ships, with factors like wind and current affecting the ship's handling. While some players find these minigames frustrating or tedious, many appreciate the added challenge and sense of accomplishment when successfully maneuvering a ship into port.

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