
by Denis, Ry, Mesote Games

The Developer Says...

EarthX is a rocket company management game. Go from launching small rockets on Earth to eventually building a colony on Mars. Create your own Internet constellation, develop new technologies, supply the International Space Station and terraform Mars!

Players Like...

❤ Rocket Launching and Reusability

Players start with a basic rocket and gradually unlock larger, more advanced models. A key aspect is developing reusable rocket technology, which allows recovering and relaunching rockets, saving time and resources. Carefully managing a rocket's reliability and performance is crucial for successful launches.

❤ Rocket Customization and Research

While the game does not offer fully custom rocket building, players can research and unlock new rocket parts and technologies to incrementally improve their vehicles. This includes upgrades to payload capacity, reusability, reliability, and more. Efficiently managing the research and development process is an important strategic element.

❤ Contracts and Finances

The game features a contract system where players bid on and fulfill various space-related missions and services, ranging from cargo delivery to the International Space Station to deploying satellite constellations. Successfully completing contracts generates revenue to fund the growing space company. Careful financial management is crucial to avoid bankruptcy.

❤ Automation and Progression

As players progress, they can unlock automation tools to streamline repetitive tasks, such as rocket construction and mission launches. This allows scaling up operations and focusing on higher-level strategic decisions. The progression system provides a sense of meaningful advancement as the player's company grows.

❤ Terraforming and Colonization

In the later stages, players can turn their attention to Mars, working to establish a permanent human presence on the planet. This includes launching nuclear bombs to warm the planet, building habitats, and transporting colonists. Terraforming and colonization add an ambitious, long-term goal to the gameplay.

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