Raw Metal

by Team Crucible

The Developer Says...

Infiltrate the depths of an exoplanet mining facility to scavenge for gear and challenge a corrupt megacorporation. Utilize gadgets and equipment in high-stakes stealth, and hone your fighting skills in breakneck combat in this stylish stealth-action dungeon crawler.

Players Like...

❤ Stealthy Infiltration

Players can utilize a diverse array of gadgets and equipment to their advantage when sneaking through the mining facility's shadows. Taser darts, noisemakers, and improvised concussion grenades allow players to isolate and bypass guards undetected. By manipulating the environment and enemy movements, players can execute clever ambushes and maintain the element of surprise.

❤ Punishing Yet Rewarding Combat

The combat system demands skill and precise timing. Players can string together various punch and kick attacks to form combos, with the option to charge attacks to add knockback or launch enemies into the air. Mastering the game's combat mechanics, such as dodging, parrying, and utilizing the environment, can turn the tide of battle in the player's favor, even when facing heavily armored foes.

❤ Seamless Stealth-to-Combat Transition

The game effortlessly shifts between stealth and combat, allowing players to choose their approach. A successful stealth infiltration can lead to a calculated risk in combat, while a stealth slip-up can result in a desperate fight for survival. This blend of playstyles keeps the gameplay engaging, as players must constantly adapt their strategies to the situation at hand.

❤ Customizable Gear and Progression

Players can discover and upgrade a wide variety of unique gear pieces, allowing them to tailor the look and capabilities of their character. The 'risk vs. reward' extraction system grants players the choice of cashing out their loot or pushing deeper into the facility, adding an element of replayability and strategic decision-making to the experience.

❤ Challenging Boss Encounters

The game features three distinct boss fights, each with their own unique fighting styles, story developments, and twists. Overcoming these formidable foes requires players to master the combat system and utilize the environment to their advantage, creating a sense of accomplishment upon emerging victorious.

❤ Dynamic Environments and Foes

As players progress through the levels, they must contend with various environmental hazards and enemy variants, forcing them to adapt their approach. This added layer of challenge and unpredictability ensures that each run presents new obstacles to overcome, enhancing the overall replayability.

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