Logic World

by Mouse Hat Games

The Developer Says...

Build. Program. Simulate. Logic World teaches you how circuits do math.

Players Like...

❤ Simulating Real-World Digital Logic

The game simulates digital circuits, running on the same principles as actual computer chips. Players can immerse themselves in a first-person 3D world, building circuits from a variety of logic gates, switches, and other components.

❤ Advanced Building Mechanics

Players can quickly translate their circuit designs into the game world using the advanced building mechanics. They can resize, rotate, and color the various components, as well as connect them using wires. The ability to copy and paste circuits makes it easy to construct complex systems.

❤ Highly Performant Simulation

The game can simulate massive circuits at thousands of updates per second without lag, even on lower-end hardware. This allows players to build and test intricate designs with ease.

❤ Collaborative Multiplayer

The game supports collaborative multiplayer, with the ability to host self-hostable servers. Players can build, invent, and learn together with their friends.

❤ Continuous Updates and Expansion

The developers have committed to constantly updating the game with new features and expanded gameplay throughout Early Access and beyond the 1.0 release.

❤ Intuitive Controls and Ease of Use

While the game does not provide tutorials, many players have found the building and circuit construction mechanics to be intuitive and easy to pick up, even without prior experience in digital logic.

❤ Creativity and Experimentation

The open-ended nature of the game allows players to unleash their creativity and experiment with various circuit designs, without the constraints of predefined objectives or goals.

❤ Engaged Community and Support

The game's community, particularly on the official Discord server, has been described as helpful and engaged. Players can seek assistance, share their creations, and provide feedback to the developers.

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