Ancient Enemy

by Grey Alien Games

The Developer Says...

Ancient Enemy is an RPG card battler set in a crumbling world where the forces of evil have already won. Blast distorted enemies with a satisfying range of spells and abilities. Journey into a scarred wilderness and draw power and hope from the landscape to defeat the deadliest foe of all!

Players Like...

❤ Solitaire-style Card Combat

Players must remove cards from the board in sequential order, either ascending or descending, to build up combo multipliers. These combos then power the player's magical attacks and defensive abilities to use against the game's enemies. The solitaire element provides a relaxing, puzzle-like experience, but with the added strategic layer of choosing the right cards and abilities to effectively defeat each enemy. Players must carefully manage their resources and plan their moves to maximize their combat effectiveness.

❤ Tactical Card-Based Combat

The game features a tactical card-based combat system, where each enemy has a distinct set of abilities and weaknesses that players must learn to counter effectively. By equipping the right combination of attack, defense, and special cards, players can devise strategies to overcome challenging foes. The combat system rewards planning and foresight, as players must anticipate the enemy's actions and prepare their defenses accordingly. Successful players will experiment with different card combinations and abilities to find the optimal approach for each battle.

❤ RPG-Lite Progression

As players progress through the campaign, they earn experience points to level up their character, unlocking new abilities and passive bonuses. This RPG-inspired progression system allows players to customize their playstyle and adapt to the challenges they face. Thoughtful ability selection can give players an edge in combat, incentivizing experimentation and replayability.

❤ Atmospheric Presentation

The game features a hand-drawn art style and a haunting musical score, creating a brooding and captivating visual and auditory experience. This strong sense of place and mood enhances the gameplay, drawing players deeper into the narrative and making their journey through the scarred landscape all the more compelling.

❤ Player Feedback

Players have praised the game's unique blend of solitaire-style gameplay and tactical card combat, highlighting the satisfying feeling of building powerful combos and overcoming challenging enemies. The RPG-lite progression system has also been well-received, with players appreciating the ability to customize their playstyle and the incentive to experiment with different card combinations. The game's atmospheric presentation has also been widely commended for its contribution to the overall experience.

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