by Glass Bottom Games

The Developer Says...

Grind on bendy straws, kickflip over staplers, and carve killer lines through cardboard and sticky tape parks. Above all else, skate birds try their best!

Players Like...

❤ Unique Skateboarding Mechanics

Players praise the game's unique skateboarding mechanics that stem from controlling a bird instead of a human. Many reviews highlight how the ability to "ollie a second time in the air" and the overall "floatier" feel of the gameplay help differentiate it from traditional skateboarding titles. Reviewers particularly enjoy how the bird's jumping and maneuvering capabilities in the air add a new dimension to the skateboarding experience.

❤ Engaging Combo and Scoring System

The game's combo and scoring system has also resonated with players. Reviewers mention that while it differs from the classic Tony Hawk's-style combo maintenance, it still provides a satisfying challenge and sense of progression. Players appreciate how the need to continuously perform new tricks to keep their combo going, instead of relying on manuals, encourages experimentation and creativity. The diminishing returns on trick points are also cited as an interesting mechanic that adds depth to the scoring system.

❤ Charming, Bird-Themed Aesthetics

Unsurprisingly, the game's charming, bird-themed visual style and animations are a major draw for many players. Reviewers highlight how the expressive, bobbing movements of the bird characters imbue the gameplay with a lot of personality. The ability to customize the appearance of one's bird, from the species to outfits and accessories, is also mentioned as a fun and engaging part of the experience. Overall, the whimsical, lighthearted tone set by the bird theme is widely praised as one of the most appealing and endearing aspects of the gameplay.

❤ Relaxing, Chill Vibes

In contrast to the high-intensity, score-chasing nature of some other skateboarding games, many players appreciate the more relaxed and casual gameplay approach. Reviewers note that the game has a "chill" and "laid-back" feel, allowing them to simply enjoy the act of skateboarding and exploring the environments at their own pace. The inclusion of a low-fi, bird-themed soundtrack also contributes to this overall relaxing and immersive atmosphere that players seem to enjoy.

❤ Unique Environments and Objectives

While the game's level design has received some criticism, players still appreciate the unique, bird-scaled environments that incorporate everyday household objects and materials like cardboard, tape, and straws. The missions and objectives, which often involve completing specific tricks or challenges within these quirky, miniaturized settings, are viewed as a refreshing departure from the typical skateboarding game formula. Reviewers highlight the game's willingness to embrace its whimsical, imaginative premise in the level design and mission structure as a positive.

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