
by Dire Wolf

The Developer Says...

A game of dice drafting and window crafting.

Players Like...

❤ Drafting Dice and Building Stained Glass Windows

In this digital adaptation, players take on the role of stained glass artisans, drafting colorful dice from a shared pool and carefully placing them on their personal 4x5 grid to create a beautiful window. On each turn, players select two dice from the available pool, considering how to best fit them into their grid while abiding by strict placement rules.

❤ Navigating Placement Restrictions

The game's core challenge lies in navigating these placement restrictions. Players cannot position dice of the same color or number side-by-side, horizontally or vertically. This puzzle-like constraint requires players to think several moves ahead, planning optimal placements that meet the grid's requirements.

❤ Leveraging Tool Cards

To overcome these challenges, the game provides "tool" cards that grant special abilities. Players can use these tools to ignore certain placement rules, such as allowing them to position identical dice next to one another. However, using these tools comes at the cost of "glass tokens" - a resource that also factors into the game's scoring system.

❤ Scoring Objectives

Each game of this digital adaptation presents a set of public and private objective cards that determine how players will score points. Public objectives might reward specific color patterns or number combinations, while private objectives are unique to each individual. Carefully planning placements to fulfill these objectives is crucial to earning the most points.

❤ Varied Game Modes

The digital version of this game offers both online and local multiplayer modes, as well as a robust solo campaign. The solo mode presents a series of increasingly challenging AI opponents, allowing players to hone their skills before venturing into multiplayer matches. The asynchronous online play also makes it easy to pick up and continue games at any time.

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