Nine Noir Lives

by Silvernode Games

The Developer Says...

Stretch your legs, clean your whiskers, and dive into Nine Noir Lives. Enjoy a "point-and-lick" comedy-noir adventure, full of humour, crazy characters, and intriguing locations. Solve challenging puzzles and answer the immortal question: how many things need to be licked to solve a murder in this town?

Players Like...

❤ Puzzle Solving and Interactivity

Players laud the satisfying puzzle solving and interactive elements within the game. The title features a variety of challenges, from inventory-based tasks to more abstract, context-driven puzzles. Reviewers praise these puzzles as logical and intuitive, with solutions that feel organically woven into the game world. Players appreciate the puzzles' difficulty, which provides a sense of accomplishment without feeling unfairly challenging.

❤ A Unique Mechanic: "Point and Lick"

One standout mechanic allows players to "lick" objects and characters, in addition to standard point-and-click interactions. Reviewers highlight the humor and creativity that arises from this unique ability, as characters often react in surprising or amusing ways to being licked. This feline-inspired interaction deepens the player's connection to the protagonist's perspective.

❤ Exploration and Environmental Interactions

The richly detailed environments of Meow Meow Furrington captivate players during exploration. Reviewers appreciate the depth of world-building, as evidenced by the diverse array of dialogue and unique responses for interacting with the various elements in the setting.

❤ Seamless Switching Between Protagonists

Furthermore, the ability to seamlessly switch between the main protagonist, Cuddles Nutterbutter, and his capable assistant, Tabby Marshmallow, allows players to experience the story from different viewpoints and uncover additional information or solutions to puzzles.

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