Werewolves: Haven Rising

by Choice of Games

The Developer Says...

Rise up, werewolves! Throw off the shackles of a tyrannical military police state. Fight for your pack! Fight for your honor! Fight for your freedom!

Players Like...

❤ Branching Narrative and Meaningful Choices

Players repeatedly praise the extensive branching narrative and the weight of their choices. You can significantly alter the story's direction and the characters' fates based on your decisions. Your choices have real, tangible consequences that reshape the narrative in surprising ways.

❤ Character Customization and Role-Playing

The game allows you to customize your protagonist in-depth, choosing their gender, sexuality, and personality. You can also specialize your character as a warrior, shadow, or sage, giving you a unique playstyle and perspective on the unfolding events. This deep customization enables you to truly inhabit and roleplay as your desired werewolf protagonist.

❤ Narrative Depth and Immersion

Reviewers describe becoming deeply invested in the story's engaging themes of oppression, resistance, and moral dilemmas. The richly-developed werewolf society, blending modern technology and traditional elements, draws you into the world and the struggles of the characters. Many players report losing themselves in the narrative, emotionally invested in the outcomes.

❤ Replayability and Multiple Endings

The game encourages repeated playthroughs, as your choices can lead to vastly different endings and story paths. Exploring these varied outcomes and seeing how the narrative unfolds under alternate circumstances is a major draw for many players.

❤ Challenging Decisions and Consequences

You'll frequently face difficult, morally ambiguous choices with no clear "right" answer. Reviewers appreciate how these challenging decisions can have significant and sometimes unexpected ramifications, further enhancing the game's narrative impact.

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