The Forgotten City

by Modern Storyteller, Dear Villagers

The Developer Says...

The Forgotten City is a narrative-driven time loop adventure in ancient Rome. Discover the ruins of an ancient underground city, travel 2000 years into the past, and unravel the mystery of who destroyed it by cleverly exploiting the power to wind back time. The fate of the city is in your hands.

Players Like...

❤ Exploration and Investigations

The game features an open-world environment that players can freely roam, interacting with over 20 unique characters and searching for clues and items to aid their progress. The detailed, historically-authentic city design creates a strong sense of place, encouraging thorough investigation of the surroundings.

❤ Time Loop Mechanics

If any person in the city commits a "sin", the entire city is destroyed, sending the player back to the start of the day. However, players retain their knowledge and inventory from previous loops, allowing them to approach problems in new ways and make different choices. This time loop system provides a sense of freedom to experiment, as failures do not result in permanent setbacks.

❤ Dialogue and Choices

Dialogue and player choice are central to the gameplay experience. The robust conversation system offers numerous dialogue options that can influence the story and its outcomes. Many quests and puzzles have multiple solutions, enabling players to tackle challenges based on their preferred playstyle. The well-written characters feel distinct and believable, and the consequences of players' choices can be far-reaching.

❤ Optional Combat

While primarily a narrative-driven experience, the game does include some optional combat sequences, primarily involving the use of a bow and arrow. However, the combat is relatively basic and not a core focus of the gameplay, allowing players to progress through the game without engaging in these sections.

❤ Technical Performance

Reviews of the game's technical performance have been generally positive, with players reporting a smooth, bug-free experience. The controls are described as intuitive and responsive, supporting both mouse/keyboard and gamepad input.

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